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Season 5!

Postby pythion » Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:53 am

With the new replays, profile statistics, and captaining pages we've had a surge of Arena fights. In the last 30 days we did more than 660 games and 270 of which were 6vs6 or more. :animals-penguin:

I'm happy to announce more changes that will even the playing field. There will be a static Realm Rank of 11L0 this season and some future balance targeted towards the classes not being played.

More information is included in the comments below.
Head Admin
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:26 am

Re: Season 5!

Postby pythion » Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:21 am

General Changes
    Realm Rank
    • All players have been set to 11L0 and rank will not increase this season.
    • All pulsing bladeturns now have a 2 second frequency, but give an immunity for the duration when pierced.
    • Players will be required to set a permanent nickname before using the Arena. (/arenanickname)

Class Changes
    • Passive ability "Memories of War" resists reduced 20%-> 15%.
    • Instant single target snares no longer give an immunity, but had their durations reduced by 60-75%. (Skald, Champion, Reaver, and Valewalker)
    • Pulsing Wave changed cast time 4s-> 3.5s.
    • Pulsing Cure I cast time 3.5s-> 3.0s.
    • Pulsing Cure II cast time 3.7s-> 3.2s.
    • Cure Disease/Poison changed cast time 3.2s-> 2.4s and range 1500-> 2000.
    • Sonic Barrier now grants 25% absorb to all groupmates. Duration reduced 45s-> 30s
    • Songs have been made a 1.5s cast. (Power and Endurance have a 30m duration)
    • AoE Lullaby now has a 5s reuse.
    • Tempest style now matches the Aurora Borealis style. 1.25 growth / 95 heat dd proc.
    • Off-hand attacks from Celtic Dual will now always swing.
    • Blade Barrier no longer breaks on attack and has had its values adjusted. 25%-> 30% magic absorb / 90%-> 70% parry / 30s 20s dur.
    • Baseline Smite DD now has an 8s 10% spirit debuff attached.
    • Instant 200 radius PBAoE Stat and Haste Debuff removal has been added to Smite specline.
      • Circle of Cleansing - 15 spec / 2m reuse.
      • Circle of Purity - 25 spec / 1m30s reuse.
      • Circle of Serenity - 35 spec / 1m reuse.
      • Circle of Solitude - 45 spec / 30s reuse.
    • All Nature pets have been increased by 10 levels.
    • Added access to Ichor of the Deep.
    • Light Spec Mesmerize spell changes.
      • Paralyzing Wind - 10s-> 28s dur.
      • Paralyzing Veil - 15s-> 31s dur.
      • Paralyzing Cloak - 21s-> 38s dur.
      • Paralyzing Sphere - 26s-> 44s dur.
      • Paralyzing Cloud - 31s-> 52s dur / 47-> 44 spec.
    • DPS debuff once again interrupts.
    • Instant Resurrect spell added to 35 Rejuvenation spec.
    • Cure Mezz added to 28 Enhancement spec.
    • Instant DoT spells replaced with Instant Heat Debuff DD.
      • Flickering Embers - 21 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 5% heat debuff
      • Smoldering Embers - 30 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 5% heat debuff
      • Heated Embers - 36 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 5% heat debuff
      • Molten Embers - 42 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 10% heat debuff
      • Flaming Embers - 51 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 10% heat debuff
      • Bursting Embers - 60 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 15% heat debuff
      • Incinerating Embers - 69 dmg / 1250 range / 15s reuse / 8s dur / 15% heat debuff
    • Specline Mentalism mezz is now baseline.
    • Instant 200 radius PBAoE Stat and Haste Debuff removal has been added to Mentalism specline.
      • Circle of Cleansing - 15 spec / 2m reuse.
      • Circle of Purity - 25 spec / 1m30s reuse.
      • Circle of Serenity - 35 spec / 1m reuse.
      • Circle of Solitude - 45 spec / 30s reuse.
    • Dual Shadows style is now a follow-up to Shadow's Rain and matches the Aurora Borealis style. 1.25 growth / 95 matter dd proc.
    • Off-hand attacks from Dual Wield will now always swing.
    • Blinding Dust now grants the Mercenary 25% attack speed and magic absorption. Additionally, enemies in the 350 unit radius are nearsighted and fumble debuffed by 25% for 25 seconds.
    • Speed songs are now 1.5s cast.
    • Power songs are now 1.5s cast and 30 minute duration buffs.
    • Removed negative effect from Selfless Devotion (RR5).
    • Shields
      • Added Pin to 40 spec.
    • Chants
      • Taunt reuse 20s-> 15s.
      • All resist chants removed.
      • Damage Add chants now have Celerity and Endurance Reduction attached.
      • Major heals and PBAoE heals from the Valkyrie mending line have been matched and replaced Heal Chant.
      • Added new spell "Purity of Faith".
        • This spell removes all forms of crowd-control from the target ally. (Instant / 42 spec / 120s reuse).
    • Flexible
      • Leviathan is now a follow-up to Constrictor and procs a 153 delve dd.
    • Soulrending
      • Added "Soul Terror" Pet Fear.
        • (40 spec / 45s reuse / 10s dur / 300 radius).
      • Lifetaps no longer share cooldown.
      • Removed Lifesteal offensive procs and DoT spells.
    • Added access to Ichor of the Deep.
    • Added passive ability "Rune of Asgard".
      • This buff is applied after 3 offensive spell casts.
      • "Grants the Runemaster a 100% chance to critical hit on the next spell for up to 100% of the damage."
    • Restorative Mind (RR5) duration reduced 30s-> 15s regen values 5%-> 15%.
    • Spirit Shell absorb value reduced 20%-> 15%.
    • Damage Add songs now have Celerity and Endurance Reduction attached.
    • Speed songs now have the Ablative songs attached.
    • Celerity attached to Damage song has increased.
      • Celerity 1 - 3%-> 5%.
      • Celerity 2 - 6%-> 10%.
      • Celerity 3 - 10%-> 18%.
      • Celerity 4 - 15%-> 24%.
    • Battlesongs mesmerization spells have had their durations increased.
      • Stunning Shout - 11s-> 26s dur.
      • Disabling Shout - 15s-> 31s dur.
      • Crippling Shout - 18s-> 35s dur.
      • Incapacitating Shout - 24s-> 42s dur.
      • Paralyzing Shout - 29s-> 50s dur.
    • Instant 200 radius PBAoE Stat and Haste Debuff removal has been added to Battlesongs specline.
      • Circle of Cleansing - 15 spec / 2m reuse.
      • Circle of Purity - 25 spec / 1m30s reuse.
      • Circle of Serenity - 35 spec / 1m reuse.
      • Circle of Solitude - 45 spec / 30s reuse.
    • Darkness Spec Mesmerize spell changes.
      • Shroud of Gloom - 18s-> 33s dur / 300-> 350 area.
      • Shroud of Shadow - 23s-> 39s dur / 300-> 350 area.
      • Shroud of Pitch - 28s-> 46s dur / 300-> 350 area.
      • Umbral Shroud - 33s-> 56s dur / 300-> 350 area / 50-> 44 spec.
    • Arboreal DoT spells have been replaced with a 5-15% energy debuff instant dd.
    • Testudo no longer requires a shield or gives a snare penalty. Duration reduced 45s-> 15s.
    • Damage Add chants now have Celerity and Endurance Reduction attached.
    • Celerity attached to Damage chant has increased.
      • Celerity 1 - 3%-> 5%.
      • Celerity 2 - 6%-> 10%.
      • Celerity 3 - 10%-> 18%.
      • Celerity 4 - 15%-> 24%.
    • Confuse in the regrowth line spec level reduced 40-> 35.
    • Added access to Ichor of the Deep.
Head Admin
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:26 am

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