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Postby Tormyboo » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:07 pm

Drafting on alteri was originally fun and brought a new and fun formula or way to randomize groups into the server. But I do feel as if this is the least fun and most annoying method of playing for instance.

Real groups. As we all know there are no crus that will constantly fight 8v8 at least on this server but I still believe you should be playing as a set group. Based on this servers average player base I believe that every fight is winnable no matter who is on the team. Playing as set groups requires less gimmicks and drama and really makes the player focus on getting better and trying to overcome the other group. There should be no 3 and redraft and go into this unfair looked upon draft hoping you can get a quick 3-0. Groups should have to improve and swap setups and really be put to a test.

Also there is no real bond as a group on the server the groups are constantly getting redrafted and mixed up. This somewhat ruins fun if you would like to play with friends. I do fear that some players that are good do not play on this server because they do not want to group and draft with randoms. Everyone has had a pug and a random person filling which is no biggie,but not being able to play with majority of your friends/group in a draft is demotivating because I personally want to win as a team.

Finally, I believe captaining is a optimal solution because a player can pick a team and have pride and some competition between the two teams. But usually there are those last picks that people don't even know or want on the players teams so ideally most people hide from captaining because they don't know the toons or just don't want to pick lower tier players. But the best thing for the server would be set groups willing to fight and not blaming having this random player as a loss reason.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:52 pm

Re: Drafting.

Postby fyigod » Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:09 pm

Yea same torm lff vs real crus and washed up trash that think they are good
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:05 am

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