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Two Years!

Postby pythion » Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:44 am

Our server is officially 2 years old! :animals-frog:
We've come a long way since the start, I've fixed bugs in a fashion and speed that no server has ever done.
In 2016, we played more than 2600 games and had many players introduced to an Arena styled Dark Age of Camelot!

Drafts aren't my ideal way to have challenging fights, but we continue to make it fun. I'd like to find a way to encourage a more competitive scene in this game. The community as a whole seems to struggle these days with the concept of wanting to be the better team.
I've spent many hours on this subject where I don't try to sound negative or think that Dark Age's best days are behind it. We don't offer nostalgia, but I would love to fight anyone that had played this game and retired as the top.

If you know people interested in playing this game again, ask them what they're looking for. When I returned to this game it was my memories of 8v8 that made me want to find a group. If I hadn't spend a lot of time waiting for slots in pugs, I most likely would have quit without having experienced the fun again. Alteri offers a streamlined form of getting into the action and proving your worth. Even if your goal isn't to play here, it is a great place to meet people of your likeness.
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Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:26 am

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