
Alteri is a Dark Age of Camelot Freeshard tailored for PvP Arenas. Our server offers limited progression with the bonus of instant fun. If you're interested in group play, you should join the draft! We're always looking for new or old players and believe the game can return to a time of competitive play.

Pythion Head Developer
Trick Developer

Custom In-Game Commands


/arena - Allows you to enter the queue from anywhere.
/arenacolor - Displays your team color in the arena.
/arenatarget - Target window enemy names are red in the arena.
/bb - Spawns a BuffBot for a period of time.
/changelog - Displays recent changes in-game.
/draft <#> - Adds yourself to a random draft of that group size.
/draft <#> list - Displays the names of players in that group size queue.
/getcolors - Dyes your items to your guild's color scheme.
/info - Offers information about the targeted player.
/info chars - Shows a list of characters and arenas played by that player.
/invite - Same as normal except allows anyone to suggest invites to the leader.
/ircmode - Enables/Disables the use of IRC for your account.
/irc - Sends messages to IRC. /irc
/join - Sends a request to a group leader to join.
/nomsg - Enables/Disables the 'You are already casting a spell!' message.
/selfcolor - Sets your color to your team color in arena.
/setcolors - Sets the colors of your guild.
/showcolors - Displays the colors values of your targets armor and weapons.
/skin <#> - Skins the armor of other players by the preset.
/trainer - Spawns a Trainer for a period of time.
/wilson and /setup - Ports you to setup.

Click here for more information.


/callgm and /gmcall - If you need support use this like /appeal.
/password - Changes the password to your account.
/server - Shows information about the server.
/switch - Allows you to equip items from your inventory.